This one will be about possessives, adjectives, and time, this will be simpler than the last two
Adjectives come after the substantive, and follow the same number (singular/plural) as it. When the word is doubled (as separate words) it forms the superlative ('tall tall' => 'tallest').
- des - "made of", "about", it and the 'material' or subject, after it are adjectives
- qah - "with ...", is partnered or close to ..., (same)
- das - "part of", (same as before)
ohkej tall -> tall house
ohkej tall 'desa' wood, 'dase' my neighborhood -> tall house made of wood part of my neighborhood
ohkej tall tall -> tallest house
za marks the adjectives between it and the verb before as adverbs.
kue goes after the verbs 'siro' and 'set' to indicate comparison, in a comparison there is no superlative adjective
my ohkej tall sirure 'kue' your ohkej -> my house is taller than your house
Goes after the adjective
- min <- nej
- vou/vouh <- dej
- minud <- mitej
- {3rd person} <- {3rd person pronoun} dej
ohkej tall 'minej' -> my tall house
ohkej 'sende dej' -> their house
Comes before the phrase, before the negation if there is one.
- present/present continuous- nitae - long past (context sensitive, generally weeks to years)
- nimo - recent past (context sensitive, generally minutes to days)
- nitae el qรณha - "from long past to now" (past continuous)
- nitae el nimo - "from long past to recent past" (past imperfect)
- neba - on future
- neqa - "while", "at time of", (makes phrase a context phrase without the need of the context marker)
- neqa nebel - "after {time of previous phrase}" (same)
- neqa el qรณha - before (same)
'nimo' I studied - in the recent past I studies -> I studied recently
neqa I studied ehnes you were sleeping - I studied while you where sleeping
ehnes goes between two phrases, it indicates the next phrase has context for the previous phrase.
Some words to put after it to specify the context:
- perse - contradiction, "but"
- ne - "if {phrase before} then {phrase after}", "{before} therefore {after}"
- ehna - "else"
- suna - uses the next phrase as the object of the previous, leave the object blank
I studied 'ehnes perse' you didn't - I studied but you didn't [study]
You study 'ehnes ne' you will pass 'ehnes ehna' you will fail - if you study, you will pas, else you will fail
- mosbok - tall
- movaqรณs - thick
- sanio - knowledge
- felta - paper
- kinsev - wood
- tehtako - clock
- tahe - old, "from the past"
- ihqa - repair, reconstruction, verb to fix
nimo rajein tehtako tahe desa kinsev minej ehnes perse neqa nebel ihqein keritsa